Prefixes and Suffixes
The letter or the group of letters that is added at the beginning of a word is known as prefix.
For example
1. Un + do = Undo
2. Ir + regular =Irregular
The letter or the group of letters that is added at the end of a word is known as a suffix.
For example
1.Wise +dom = Wisdom
2.Happy+ ness = Happiness
Q.1. Make new words by adding suitable prefixes.
1.Non + sense = Nonsense
2.Im + patient =impatient
3.Dis + appoint = Disappoint
4.In + sensitive = insensitive
Q.2.Make new words by adding suitable suffixes.
1.history + ian = historian
2.create + ion = creation
3.empty + ness = emptiness
4.mystery + ous = mysterious