World fastest creatures

 World fastest creatures

There are many different creatures in our surroundings. Some are large, some are small, some are fast, some are slow, some are beautiful, and some are ugly. In this post, we are going to learn the fastest creatures in world.

1. Peregrine falcon

Peregrine falcon
Peregrine falcon

Length : 34 to 58 cm
Weight : 1 kg
Habitat: North America
Wingspan: 74 to 120 cm
Speed: 240 mph

2. Golden Eagle

Golden eagle
Golden eagle

Length: 66 to 100 cm
Weight: 8 kg
Habitat: North America and Mexico
Wingspan: 1.8 to 2.3 m
Speed: 200 mph

3. Spur winged goose

Spur winged goose
Spur winged goose

Length: 75 to 115 cm
Weight: 4-6.8 kgs rarely 10 kgs
Habitat: Eastern Africa
Wingspan: 1 m
Speed: 88 mph

4. Cheetah


Length: 1.1 to 1.5 m
Weight: 21 to 72 kgs
Habitat:Eastern Africa
Speed: 75 mph

5. Sail fish


Length: 124 inches
Weight: 128 pounds
Habitat: Western and Eastern Pacific Ocean.
Speed: 70 mph

6. Deer


Length: 95 to 220 cm
Weight:68 to 136 kgs
Habitat: no region for deer, they found in every continent except Antartica.
Speed: 61 mph

7. Horse


Length: 2.4 m
Weight: 300 kg
Habitat: no region for horses, they live in every continent except Antartica.
Speed: 55 mph

8. Wild beest

Wild beest
Wild beest

Length: 1.3 m
Weight: 130 kg
Habitat: Southern Africa
Speed: 50 mph

9. Lion 


Length: 1.8 to 2.1 m
Weight: 130 to 190 kg
Habitat: Some parts of Asia, and South Africa
Speed: 50 mph

10. Ostrich


Length: 9 feet 3 m
Weight: 63 to 140 kgs
Habitat: Africa 
Speed: 45 mph

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